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Great product, well printed, exceptional value, received quickly


Great company to work with!!

Maggie Gondola

So excited to have received the personalized pens! Quicker than expected AND better quality than I thought! Great customer service as well!! Thank you sooooooooo much Ummah Promotions! You've more than met my expectations and I will reorder item as needed!"

Mary Donnell

I ordered personalized pens. Seller was fast, courteous and efficient in all dealings. Order arrived sooner than expected. Definitely five stars! Excellent company all around.

April Rusch

Seller went above and beyond to assist us with getting our logo to work with the pens. BIC shipped the pens off centered and originally was not going to replace them. Seller was persistent and was finally able to convince BIC to resolve the order.

Brian Wahl

I ordered these for an event I’m going to and I wanted a logo on it and they did a great job. Response to everything was very well timed and item arrived as expected. The pens write very smoothly.

Adamay Hernandez

Great customer service. Prompt attention to detail. Swift responses. Definitely will recommend to others.

Teneha Brow

Item arrived weeks ahead of expected delivery date this is the 2nd order I have made and apart from a few pens not working properly order was in perfect shape.

Alameda Frank

It was an awesome experience. Great customer service!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️

Krystal M

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